Oliver Tessmann

TU Darmstadt

Oliver Tessmann is an architect and professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt where he is heading the Digital Design Unit (DDU). His teaching and research revolves around computational design, digital manufacturing and robotics in architecture. From 2012 – 2015 he has been assistant professor in the School of Architecture of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. From 2008 – 2011 he has been a guest professor at Staedelschule Architecture Class (SAC) and worked with the engineering office Bollinger + Grohmann in Frankfurt. In 2008 Oliver Tessmann received a doctoral degree at the University of Kassel. He conducted research in the field of "Collaborative Design Procedures for Architects and Engineers". His work has been published and exhibited in Europe, Asia and the US.


Lidia Ratoi


Paul Nicholas & Martin Tamke